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Learn norwegian

– when you want, where you want

Online school with language courses for every level

  • Online school approved by the UDI and HK-dir (former Kompetanse Norge)
  • Courses that focus on quality and results
  • We offer Norwegian courses, English courses and social studies courses
  • All our teachers have significant experience
  • Norwegian teachers speak fluent Norwegian

Norwegian language teaching via our channels

NoTe offers Norwegian language training online. We have Norwegian courses for all levels from A1 to C1. Our online courses provide flexibility to study where you want, when you want. You can also learn Norwegian for free via our YouTube channel, Facebook group, Instagram, podcast, and through voice messages.

Language courses that fit your needs

Basic level


Intermediate level


Advanced level


Professional level

Permanent residence and citizenship

This course is for people who are applying for permanent residence in Norway and who must take 250 or 550 hours of Norwegian. We also have courses for those who are applying for the Norwegian citizenship test and require documented hours.

Businesses and government agencies

NoTe can create tailor-make Norwegian courses for your company. We offer online courses at all levels in Norwegian and can create courses with work-oriented Norwegian that is used in the workplace. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation!

The Norwegian test A1 to C1

Our Norwegian courses prepares you for all the parts of the Norwegian test “Norskprøven”. You practice for reading, listening, writing and speaking which is all the four parts of the Norwegian test.


Norsklærer Karense i media

Jeg har blitt intervjuet av folk som har skrevet om meg i media. I dette blogginnlegget kan dere lese artiklene som er skrevet om meg.

Det norske språket

Jeg har reist rundt i mange land og jeg snakker flere språk. Språk har alltid fascinert meg, og når man snakker flere språk åpner man dører. Jeg pleier å si at norsk språk er nøkkelen for å lykkes i Norge.

Courses and lectures for teachers

Karense Foslien conducts courses for teachers who work with adult education. She conducts courses in the suggestion therapy method as well as inspiration courses for teachers.



+47 21619098