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Job Seeker Course

Job Seeker Course

Do you need help writing a good application and CV? Or do you want to be better equipped for job interviews? 

Our Job Seeker Course A to Z give you the tools you need to master the entire job seeker process.

Who should take the course?

The course is for everyone who is looking for a job or wants to change jobs. You will learn more about the application process, the Norwegian work culture and how to succeed in a job interview. The course can be taken in both Norwegian and English and is equally useful for both Norwegians and foreign jobseekers.

B2 intensiv kurs

Why Job Seeker Course A to Z?

The course will give you insight into the entire process of applying for a job, from application writing, typical interview questions, and how you should prepare before a job interview. The course will give you the confidence you need when you apply for jobs.

The course includes:

  • How to make a good resume
  • How to write a good application
  • Create your LinkedIn profile
  • Job analysis – what do companies look for?
  • How to prepare for a job interview
  • Norwegian work culture
  • Quizzes and exercises
  • Examples of CV and application that you can use as a template
  • Private career guidance on Zoom

Private tutoring

In addition, we have a separate Private tutoring job seeker course. This course is for those who need interview training before a job interview or who need help reviewing an application or a CV. The class can be used for exactly what you want. Our job consultant Eva helps you with what you need. You can book as many hours as you want.


+47 21619098